Monday, September 15, 2014

TPRI Testing is Complete! Now What?

After testing is complete, the first item on your agenda should be to login to mClass to check to see if your data is complete.  If you are missing data, you should sync again.  If it is still not there, check with Shirley, Molly, or Linda to see what the next step should be.

Here is the link for class information on mClass:

You will see the "Welcome to the TPRI" page.  Click on "Review TPRI Results."  Your class summary page will open.  The next step is to look at the data to see your class results.  Your whole class data will appear and you can look at the information to begin to see patterns for your class.  Here are some ideas to consider when looking at your class report:
  • Look at your class summary results on the two bottom rows.  The first row will tell you the number of students who are SD (still developing), and the second row will tell you the percentage of your class who did not meet the standard.  Pay particular attention to the areas of the test where there are 50% or more of your students who did not master a specific skill as you will need to provide whole class intervention for those areas.  
  • The labels for each area (example:  Phonemic Awareness, Graphophonemic Knowledge, etc.) can be found on the blue tabs at the top of the chart.  At this point it is important to take a look at the students who are SD on the screening and know that these will possibly be your students with the greatest need.  You will need to observe these students carefully in the next few weeks as TPRI sometimes over-identifies students who may be SD.
  • Next go to the gold tab at the top of the page that says "Error Analysis."  Click on this box and a page will open with each student's name and the results and errors in Word Reading in First Grade and Graphophonemic Knowledge and Word Reading in the Second Grade.  Again, the bottom two rows will give you a summary of the number and percentage of students who have not mastered the skills.  Whole class instruction will be for the skills where 50% or more students are "Still Developing."  The other students will have small group instruction based on their specific needs.
  • There is something you will really like that is found on the very last line of the report (First Grade) and reports (Second Grade) is a page number that will take you to a lesson that will be found in the "TPRI Intervention Activities Guide."  This is a lesson that will get you started intervening in either whole group or small group!
I hope you have found some helpful information in this blog concerning TPRI whole-group data.  Next week, I will blog about the information that will help you with the small groups and also how to group students and plan lessons for them.  Please let me know if you have any questions regarding any of the information I have provided for you!

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