Thursday, July 31, 2014

Great Day of Teaching and Learning

Just had the best day with K-2 teachers and Jessica Estillette discovering new ways to study words and explore more about The Daily Five.  It was so exciting to see new and veteran teachers sharing ideas for the new school year.  Teachers were so engaged in the activities and the conversation and ideas continued to flow even when it was time to share!  Jessica had some great ideas and modeled a lesson for us using alphabet and blends chart!  I can't wait to share the ideas with other teachers who were not able to be in the workshop.  It was obvious that teachers were ready to begin thinking about their classes for next year and were ready to get back in the classroom to do what they do best--teach children!  Thanks to all who participated so enthusiastically!  Can't wait for the new year myself!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What if....????

What if students in today's schools were given the opportunity to unleash their creativity and collaborate with others in their classes and students in classes who live in other countries?

What if students were given the opportunity for many ways to communicate with others through social networks  and use tools like Skype?

What if students were given chances to solve problems in innovative ways and find solutions that are unavailable to students in traditional classrooms?

What if students were given choices to include apps, games, websites, virtual worlds and videos to develop their entrepreneurial skills even as an elementary student?

What if students could connect to students across the world and begin to understand other cultures which are very different from the one in which they live?

What if students were taught with lessons that embed technology that prepare students for the real world?

What if students had the opportunity to use digital learning for the purpose of developing essential literacies?

What if students were in schools which routinely integrate technology and how to use it?

The answer to all these questions is we must give students the opportunities to use "real-world tools to solve real-world problems."  Education must provide today's students a teaching and learning culture that is centered on students and lets learners "construct their own meanings and understanding of concepts by non-traditional means."  This type of learning requires that we as leaders must give up a certain part of control and let teachers take risks in order to provide innovative practices that bring together digital tools with sound pedagogy.  We must provide the opportunity for digital learning combined with student-centered classrooms in order to give students the tools to be successful in tomorrow's classrooms and tomorrow's world.