Monday, September 29, 2014

TPRI Grouping and Instruction

Now that you have looked at all your data, it is time to use the data to group students and plan instruction.  The mClass website makes it very easy group and plan for the students in either your class or for individual students.
  • Go to the "Assign Tiers" tab.  If a student is "SD" on the screening, they will be marked as "Tier 2."  At the right of each student's name, there is a column with the information you need in order to mark the tier for each student.  If a student is Tier 1, just click on the "Assign" button, and they will be saved with that designation.  For Tier 2, use the arrow to find "2."  Mark assign, and they will be "Tier 2."  Students who have been retained are also marked as "Tier 2."
  • The next tab to explore is the "Grouping Tab."  There are two smaller tabs under the larger one.  Click on the "Skill Map."  You will see a list of students who are developed.  You will see that your students have been placed in various groups based on the different areas of TPRI.  These are the students who are "SD" in different TPRI skills.  Some names are seen in a light gray font.  This means that they didn't take this test; however if they had, TPRI anticipates that they would fall in the "SD" category and would be on the list.  You may want to include these students in your plans for intervention of those skills.
  • Click on the tab which is named "Grouping Tool."  This tool is available to help you group your students according to TPRI results.  The steps are listed at the top of the page.  Just follow the steps as they are listed.  Groups may be adjusted at any time.  Remember to "save" before you move to each group.
  • Now you can click on the tab labeled "Instruction."  This tab allows you to plan instruction for an individual or groups of students.  Each area from the TPRI has suggested activities that come from the TPRI "Intervention Activities Guide."  Click the small white box next to the activity you want to select.  You will see a check mark in the box.  Click "Save" and that lesson or group of lessons will be available for intervention for individual or groups of students.
  • When you have finished selecting activities and saving them for groups or individuals, go to the printer tab on the top, right-hand side and select "print."  I think this is when the "magic" happens.  A page will open and you will see all the activities exactly as they are printed in the "Intervention Activities Guide."  The lesson plan is there for you to use until you decide you are ready for a new plan for a student or group of students.
I have given you lots of information for using the mClass website in order to look at class and individual data, to group your students, and to plan intervention instruction.  I hope this has been helpful for you.  If you have any questions regarding any of the information, please feel free to contact me.

Monday, September 22, 2014

TPRI Individual Student Data

Last week we looked at some steps that helped us analyze whole-class data.  Today I will walk you through some ways to look at individual student data.

  • Begin by looking at the data found on the home page.  You can look across the row that has the student's name and immediately tell what areas the students has mastered and the areas of difficulty.
    • Look at the screening status column first.  The student will have either SD (still developing) or D (developed) for this area.  SD lets you know right away that the student will probably need some intervention.  D means with good classroom instruction the student will probably be just fine for the particular grade level.
    • The Phonemic Awareness section (First Grade only) will have a score of 4-5 to be developed.  Anything 3 or below is still developing.
    • The Graphophonemic Knowledge and Word Reading follow the same scoring system.
    • The last item on the line lets you know if the student was able to read Story 1 and/or Story 2.
    • The Accuracy Level can be:
      • Frustrational/Listening
      • Instructional
      • Independent.
    • The fluency rate will not be given for any student who is not reading on either an Instructional or Independent level.
    • The last column gives the score for comprehension.  Students are developed if they score 5-6 for each story.  You may find that a student has 5-6, but they are not developed.  This is because they have a Listening Comprehension score and not a Reading Comprehension score.  These are the students who were found to be frustrational when reading the stories.
  • You may decide that you would like for information about a student's results.  To find more information, click on the student's name, and you will be taken to a page that summarizes the data.  If you click on the small tab at the top that says "Score Details," you will see all the responses the student has given for each test item.  If you scroll through all the data, you will see the passages read by each student.  The words the student missed will have a line drawn through them.
  • The next tab that will give you information is the small tab that says "Error Analysis."  This tab gives you information about the specific errors the student has made for Graphophonemic  Knowledge (Second Grade only) and Word Reading (First and Second Grade).
As you can see from looking at both the class results and individual student results, TPRI gives you an abundance of information to use in planning instruction.  Next week, I will show you some tools on the website to facilitate planning instruction for your class.

Monday, September 15, 2014

TPRI Testing is Complete! Now What?

After testing is complete, the first item on your agenda should be to login to mClass to check to see if your data is complete.  If you are missing data, you should sync again.  If it is still not there, check with Shirley, Molly, or Linda to see what the next step should be.

Here is the link for class information on mClass:

You will see the "Welcome to the TPRI" page.  Click on "Review TPRI Results."  Your class summary page will open.  The next step is to look at the data to see your class results.  Your whole class data will appear and you can look at the information to begin to see patterns for your class.  Here are some ideas to consider when looking at your class report:
  • Look at your class summary results on the two bottom rows.  The first row will tell you the number of students who are SD (still developing), and the second row will tell you the percentage of your class who did not meet the standard.  Pay particular attention to the areas of the test where there are 50% or more of your students who did not master a specific skill as you will need to provide whole class intervention for those areas.  
  • The labels for each area (example:  Phonemic Awareness, Graphophonemic Knowledge, etc.) can be found on the blue tabs at the top of the chart.  At this point it is important to take a look at the students who are SD on the screening and know that these will possibly be your students with the greatest need.  You will need to observe these students carefully in the next few weeks as TPRI sometimes over-identifies students who may be SD.
  • Next go to the gold tab at the top of the page that says "Error Analysis."  Click on this box and a page will open with each student's name and the results and errors in Word Reading in First Grade and Graphophonemic Knowledge and Word Reading in the Second Grade.  Again, the bottom two rows will give you a summary of the number and percentage of students who have not mastered the skills.  Whole class instruction will be for the skills where 50% or more students are "Still Developing."  The other students will have small group instruction based on their specific needs.
  • There is something you will really like that is found on the very last line of the report (First Grade) and reports (Second Grade) is a page number that will take you to a lesson that will be found in the "TPRI Intervention Activities Guide."  This is a lesson that will get you started intervening in either whole group or small group!
I hope you have found some helpful information in this blog concerning TPRI whole-group data.  Next week, I will blog about the information that will help you with the small groups and also how to group students and plan lessons for them.  Please let me know if you have any questions regarding any of the information I have provided for you!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Ten Reminders for TPRI

Here are 10 reminders as you begin to give TPRI:

  • Remember to adhere to the 3-second rule when administering the word tests.  Do not provide the word for the student.
  • Always present all practice items.  These items allow the student to understand what the task requires.
  • Instructions may be repeated if needed.  Repeat PA items only in case of noisy interferences.  Other assessment items may be repeated at the request of the student.
  • You may not provide corrective feedback on Task Items!
  • When administering the assessment, do not provide hints, clues or other feedback about correct responses.
  • Be equally positive and encouraging with both correct and incorrect responses.  Praise effort, not correct responses (example:  You are really working hard.).
  • Students who are easily distracted may be tested in more than one session.
  • When reading the story aloud, the following errors are marked:
Mispronunciations--The student pronounces the word incorrectly.  This includes leaving off -s, -ed and -ing endings.
Substitutions--The student replaces the correct word with a different word.
Omissions--The student skips a word.
Reversals--The student reads adjacent words in the wrong order.
Hesitations--The student pauses for longer than 3 seconds or takes longer than 3 seconds to sound out a word.  In these cases, provide the word and count it as an error.
    Items not considered errors:
Insertions--The student adds a whole word that does not appear in the text.
Self-corrections--The student makes an error, but then corrects the error.
Repetitions--The student reads the same word or phrase multiple times.
Loss of place--The student skips a line or loses the place.  Redirect the student to the correct place in the story and allow the timer to continue to run.

A proper name is counted wrong each time it is read incorrectly as are all other words.
  • Sync after you have tested each student.  It doesn't take long, and it may save extra time and effort if testing has to be repeated due to loss of data.  After the testing session is complete, go to and check to make certain your data is there.
  • Last, but not least, call or email me if you have any problems or issues that are hindering your testing session.
Happy Testing!!!