Friday, September 5, 2014

Ten Reminders for TPRI

Here are 10 reminders as you begin to give TPRI:

  • Remember to adhere to the 3-second rule when administering the word tests.  Do not provide the word for the student.
  • Always present all practice items.  These items allow the student to understand what the task requires.
  • Instructions may be repeated if needed.  Repeat PA items only in case of noisy interferences.  Other assessment items may be repeated at the request of the student.
  • You may not provide corrective feedback on Task Items!
  • When administering the assessment, do not provide hints, clues or other feedback about correct responses.
  • Be equally positive and encouraging with both correct and incorrect responses.  Praise effort, not correct responses (example:  You are really working hard.).
  • Students who are easily distracted may be tested in more than one session.
  • When reading the story aloud, the following errors are marked:
Mispronunciations--The student pronounces the word incorrectly.  This includes leaving off -s, -ed and -ing endings.
Substitutions--The student replaces the correct word with a different word.
Omissions--The student skips a word.
Reversals--The student reads adjacent words in the wrong order.
Hesitations--The student pauses for longer than 3 seconds or takes longer than 3 seconds to sound out a word.  In these cases, provide the word and count it as an error.
    Items not considered errors:
Insertions--The student adds a whole word that does not appear in the text.
Self-corrections--The student makes an error, but then corrects the error.
Repetitions--The student reads the same word or phrase multiple times.
Loss of place--The student skips a line or loses the place.  Redirect the student to the correct place in the story and allow the timer to continue to run.

A proper name is counted wrong each time it is read incorrectly as are all other words.
  • Sync after you have tested each student.  It doesn't take long, and it may save extra time and effort if testing has to be repeated due to loss of data.  After the testing session is complete, go to and check to make certain your data is there.
  • Last, but not least, call or email me if you have any problems or issues that are hindering your testing session.
Happy Testing!!!

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